Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The first time...

Have you ever felt nervous and anxious when you tried something you never have done? I feel anxious to start this blog becuase I have never blogged or had no facebook account-mostly due to the fear of exposing my private life. I hope I enjoy blogging.


  1. Welcome--you're looking good. Blog site is built, now all that's left is the blogging.

  2. It's always a worry to have our info for public viewing. We're classmates in N6004. I am in the MSN Teaching Nursing Specialty. Happy blogging...

  3. You Rock~ Love your Blog background! Sarah

  4. It sounds like most of us are in the same boat--new to blogging, so I wouldn't worry too much. I do have a facebook account, mostly to keep up with friends, but I don't spend much time there. I am one of your classmates in N6004 and I'm in the Teaching Nursing program.

  5. Thank you Eunyoung for your comment on my blog. There is so much to learn and being much older is harder not because so much of my age but it is more of the time factor. I do realize that most of us have children to raise and spouses to feed and homes to clean, etc, etc. It is a matter of priority and being excited to learn new things. I have so much expectations for me this semester. I know that full-time load will not be easy, I just pray that my coping skills are mobilized. Emmie
